

At GIC, we provide high-quality PCBs that meet the regulatory standards and certifications required by modern consumer electronic devices.

GIC manufactures PCBs to assist you in achieving your goals in the world of consumer electronics

Electronics Manufacturing for the Consumer Industry

At GIC, we understand the growing importance of PCB assembly in today’s consumer electronics. Electronic devices are an integral part of our daily lives. Electronics manufacturing and printed circuit boards play a crucial role in enhancing the performance, speed, and efficiency of essential household appliances.

As a leading consumer printed circuit boards manufacturer, we specialize in producing high-quality PCBs. Our printed circuit boards adhere to industry standards such as IPC class 2 and 3, ISO, and other regulatory requirements.

With our extensive experience in the field, we possess the expertise to design and manufacture PCBs for a wide range of modern electronics.

In particular, GIC recognizes the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in consumer electronics. Therefore, our manufacturing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and advanced production techniques.

As a result, we can deliver cutting-edge PCBs that keep pace with technological advances.

Above all, GIC is dedicated to meeting your specific requirements. We work closely with our clients throughout the manufacturing process to ensure your expectations are met and your devices perform optimally.

Contact us today to discuss your PCB needs.

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